

The 2015 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems

(CTS 2015)

June 01-05, 2015

The Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The 16th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2015) is a premier international conference on topics at the confluence of collaboration technologies, collaboration systems, Internet of things, social networks, virtual worlds, services computing, and related issues. Running annually since 1999, it currently attracts over 160 participants on average, including the best talent in industry, academia, and government research labs. The purpose of the conference is to identify challenging problems facing the development of future collaboration systems and to shape up future research directions through the publication of applied and theoretical research findings of the highest quality. The program will foster collaboration and bridge the academic-industry-government gap in the collaboration technologies & systems, human computer interaction, Clouds and Internet of things, social networks & media, virtual worlds, services computing, and several related and applied issues such as healthcare, education, robotics, emergency response, and gamification communities. Attendees will hear about recent research results and be able to network with luminaries, researchers, and practitioners in the field. CTS 2015, which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, will attract some of the best graduate students, researchers, and practitioners from academic, industrial and government research institutions, and offer unparalleled opportunities for recruiting top talent.

The CTS 2015 Conference is looking for interested SPONSORS who would like to participate in CTS 2015 activity (tutorials, demos, panels, posters, paper presentation, speaker sponsorships, etc.), have an exhibit, and/or be interested to sponsor Conference amenities or social activities (e.g., student support, awards, evening exhibit reception, banquet sponsorship, special break snacks, registration handout packets, etc.).

Sponsor Opportunities

CTS 2015 offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities suitable for both large as well as small organizations. Sponsors of CTS gain visibility for their organizations, demonstrate their support of critical collaboration technologies and systems related research and development, and contribute to the success of the conference and its programs. Five levels of sponsorship are available:

  • Platinum: $3,000 and above

  • Gold: $1,500 and above

  • Silver: $750 and above

  • Bronze: less than $750

  • Other: To be determined

Benefits for each of the levels are provided in the following section.

Sponsors will also have the opportunity to sponsor individual awards and events with reduced benefits.

  • Awards - CTS 2015 is offering opportunities to sponsor student travel awards and outstanding paper and poster paper awards. The sponsor's name will be announced and prominently displayed during the awards ceremony.

  • Events - CTS 2015 is offering opportunities to sponsor a conference speaker, a conference luncheon, a conference reception, and the conference banquet. During these events, the sponsor's name will be prominently displayed and the sponsor will be offered 10 minutes to make a presentation for the purpose of recruiting and/or advertising. CTS is also offering opportunities to sponsor student luncheons -- these will be offered to student attendees at the time of registration. The student luncheons will give sponsors direct access to students that have already shown an interest in their organization, thus providing an excellent opportunity for recruiting. The sponsor is responsible for catering the student luncheon at a local venue or at the conference venue in cooperation with the conference.

Sponsorship Benefits

CTS 2015 sponsors at all level will be listed in the conference program distributed to all attendees, in the conference proceedings, and on the conference web site, with an active link to the sponsor's home page. Depending on the level of sponsorship, a sponsor will receive the following additional benefits:

Platinum Sponsor:

  • Recognized as Platinum Sponsor in the conference Program and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • Patron logo on signage outside a single function of your choice (lunch/banquet, Keynote Session, etc.)

  • One complimentary conference registration with special corporate support ribbons for your staff

  • Full-page black-and-white advertisement in conference program and large logo on conference bag

  • Exhibit space for the duration of the conference

  • Unlimited number of company-provided items in the conference bag (handouts, brochures/materials provided for conference registration handouts)

  • Special recognition during the plenary sessions

  • Sponsor's Logo on all conference programs and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • Large posters indicating Platinum Sponsorship at registration booth and during the coffee breaks and conference banquet

Gold Sponsor:

  • Recognized as Gold Sponsor in the conference Program and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • Patron logo on signage outside a single function of your choice (lunch/banquet, Keynote Session, etc.)

  • 1/2 Page ad in conference program

  • Exhibit space for the duration of the conference at reduced rate (-50%)

  • One reduced conference registration (-50%) with special corporate support ribbons for your staff

  • Up to three company-provided items in conference bag as supplied by the sponsor

  • Special recognition during the plenary sessions or similar event

  • Sponsor's Logo on all conference programs and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • Large posters indicating Gold Sponsorship at registration booth and during the coffee breaks and conference banquet

Silver Sponsor:

  • Recognized as Silver Sponsor in the conference Program and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • One reduced conference registration (-20%) with special corporate support ribbons for your staff

  • Up to two company-provided item in conference bag as supplied by the sponsor

  • Special recognition during the plenary sessions or similar event

  • Sponsor's Logo on all conference Programs and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • Large posters indicating Silver Sponsorship at registration booth and during the coffee breaks and conference banquet

Bronze Sponsor:

  • Recognized as Bronze Sponsor in the conference Program and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • One company-provided item in conference bag as supplied by the sponsor

  • Special recognition during the plenary sessions or similar event

  • Sponsor's Logo on all conference Programs and Proceedings as well as on web site with link to company's site

  • Large posters indicating Bronze Sponsorship at registration booth and during the coffee breaks and conference banquet


If a party is interested in becoming a CTS 2015 SPONSOR, please contact the Industry Liaisons & Sponsorships Co-Chairs:

  • Apurva Mohan, Honeywell ACS Labs, Minnesota, USA

Phone: +1 (763) 954-4624

Fax: +1 (763) 954-4858

Email: Apurva.Mohan@Honeywell.com

  • Erwin Gangl, CACI Technologies, Ohio, USA

Phone: +1 (937) 427-6545

Email: egangl@caci.com

  • Dejin Zhao, eBay Paypal Inc., California, USA

Phone: +1 (408) xxx-xxxx

Email: dzhao@paypal.com